Thursday, September 27, 2007

Rain and Fog

Thousand Pines - Chorale Retreat


Pauline said...

These are lovely pictures, Lizzy! :-)

Heather McMillen said...

...lovely...and dismal...did everyone else get eaten by bears?

Lisa Hogan said...

I took very few pictures of people... I admit. BUT, you can see people in the background of one... and someone's hands in another.

Heather McMillen said...

Yea, someone's hands before they got eaten by a bear, and everyone else got terrible chest colds from the drafty buildings and the damp conditions... they had to give up singing and become cafeteria servers for the rest of thier lives. It must have been quite a retreat.... :OP

Lisa Hogan said...

um... ya. it's was... QUITE a retreat, thank you very mich.

Personally, I think the bears are much more cuddley (and that's all that matters to me), and I was served amazing cafeteria food by my fellow, though enslaved, chorale members. It was lovely.